Badge of Diversity & Inclusion

The Badge of Diversity and Inclusion is a recognition earned through involvement in experiential learning by students who show intentionality in pursuing immersive experiences. Students wishing to pursue the badge must meet with their academic advisor to declare their intent to pursue the honor and establish a plan of action to be fulfilled prior to graduation.

In partnership with the Mitchell-West Center for Social Inclusion, this distinction is offered by Teaching, Learning, and Leadership

In order to receive the badge, students must meet the following criteria:

Urban School Experience* Rural School Experience / Cultural Immersion*  Training / Volunteering*
Must complete one Must complete two Must complete one

Memphis City School Trip

Tampa City School Trip


Zimbabwe Trip

Oklahoma Trip

Alternative Break Trip (requires special assignment)

Safe Zone Training

Poverty Simulation Training

Critical Conversations Training

LGBTQ Awareness Training 

Full Life Ahead Camp

UServe (advisor approval required) 

*Additional opportunities may become available. Please check with your academic advisor for updates. Substitutions may be considered on a case-by-case basis.

Upon completion of these experiences, students will provide a public presentation that summarizes their learning experiences as they relate to the discipline of education.

To begin the process in achieving this honor in Education, please contact:

Dr. Whitte–
Dr. Padgett–

View the application linked here!

In partnership with the Mitchell-West Center for Social Inclusion, this distinction is offered by the Sanders College of Business and Technology.

In order to receive the badge, students must meet the following criteria:

Cultural Immersion Experience* COBT Specific Experiences* Training / Volunteering / Practicum*
Must complete one Must complete at least two Must complete at least two

Education Abroad (Businessfocus preferred)

Study Away (Business-focus preferred)

Pre-approved domestic cross-cultural opportunity Alternative Break Trip (Cultural-focus required)

Pre-approved international educational/business/health mission opportunity

Company visit(s) with workshop focus on diversity/equity/inclusion

“Women in Business” or "Girls Who Code" student organization – member/or attend sponsored event(s)

Attend Sanders College of Business and Technology student events to engage our international student(s)

Work SaveFirst Tax Prep Class

“Society for Human Resource Management” student organization – attend event(s) with focus on diversity/equity/inclusion

Emotional Intelligence Training

Community Service Event approved by the COBT 

Choose any one of the workshops and trainings on the UNA Social Inclusion Site.

*Additional opportunities may become available. Please check with the Experiential Learning/Projects Coordinator (Julie Heinrich - in the COBT Dean’s Office for updates. Substitutions may be considered on a case-by-case basis.

Digital Badge issued through Badgr. Receive a set of honor cords from the Mitchell-West Center for Social Inclusion. Complete a set of reflection questions for the Director of the Center and be featured on their website.

To begin the process in achieving this honor in the Sanders College of Business and Technology, please contact:

Julie Heinrich - 

In partnership with the Mitchell-West Center for Social Inclusion, this distinction is offered by the Department of Psychology and Sociology.

In order to receive the badge, students must meet the following criteria:

Cultural Immersion* Coursework* Training / Volunteering / Practicum*
Must complete one Must complete at least two Must complete at least two

Education Abroad (Psychology-focus preferred)

Alternative Break Trip (Cultural-focus required)

PY 302 Abnormal Psychology

PY 442 Social Psychology

PY 444 Psychology of Religion

PY 454 Introduction to Developmental Disabilities

PY 470 Health Psychology

PY 490 Multicultural Psychology

Safe Zone Training

Poverty Simulation Training

Critical Conversations Training

ARC of the Shoals

Bridges Behavior Therapy

Inside-Out Program

Shoals Youth Advocates

One Place of the Shoals


UServe (advisor approval required)

*Additional opportunities may become available. Please check with your academic advisor for updates. Substitutions may be considered on a case-by-case basis.

Upon completion of these experiences, students will provide a public presentation that summarizes their learning experiences as they relate to the discipline of psychology.

To begin the process in achieving this honor in Psychology, please contact:

Dr. Zayac– 

The Badge of Diversity and Inclusion is customizable for each academic department and aligned with UNA's strategic diversity plan. If your department is interested in offering this, please email us at